
Friday 27 May 2022

Face of the Ukrainian Circus

This iconic portrait is of Tetiana Lotiuk, who undertook a harrowing escape from war-torn Ukraine to appear with a cast of 15 other Ukrainian performers in Circus Cortex, a big top show that has just begun it's UK tour in Sheffield. For tour dates, click here

For the latest news on the circus in Ukraine, click here.

You can read my interview with Corcus Cortex director Irina Archer, and the story of how the circus industry has rallied around its Ukrainian colleagues during the war, in this article in today's edition of The Stage. Click here.


Wednesday 25 May 2022

Circus Cortex tours with cast of Ukrainian refugees

Talk about a human pyramid! Fresh from a Christmas season in Cairo, Egypt, Circus Cortex has just begun its British big top tour in Sheffield - a month later than planned because its cast of almost entirely Ukrainian artistes went home to visit their families and renew their visas... and found themselves in a war zone when Russia invaded.

Some are still there, conscripted into the military, others have undertook harrowing journeys out of Ukraine and the company has recruited Ukrainian replacements who were in other countries when war broke out.

Putting on a show, while worrying about loved ones hiding in bunkers miles away, the circus stars will be touring until their final show at Clacton on 30 August. Proof that the show always does go on.

For the full list of dates, click here.

You can read my interview with Corcus Cortex director Irina Archer, and the story of how the circus industry has rallied around its Ukrainian colleagues during the war, in this article in today's edition of The Stage. Click here.

For the latest news on the circus reopening its doors in Ukraine, click here.

For a behind-the-scenes journey through the contemporary circus scene, with reviews of circuses of all types, both traditional and modern, plus interviews with big top owners and performers from clowns and sword-swallowers to trapeze artists and tiger trainers, read Circus Mania - The Ultimate Book for Anyone Who Dreamed of Running Away with the Circus!