LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS... welcome to the big top blog of Douglas McPherson, author of CIRCUS MANIA, the book described by Gerry Cottle as "A passionate and up-to-date look at the circus and its people."

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Philip Astley, the Father of the Circus in This England

The autumn issue of This England features a page by yours truly on how the Father of the Circus, Philip Astley, is being rediscovered in his hometown of Newcastle-under-Lyme, thanks a 40 year campaign by a family of magicians.

The piece also looks into why modern day circus ushers and ringmasters often wear 18th century military style tunics, dripping with gold braid, and the influence Astley had on the development of the fairground carousel.

It's out now.